LI, Haizhou

Associate Dean (Research)
Presidential Chair Professor

Professor Haizhou Li is a Presidential Chair Professor in the School of Data Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), China. He is also an Adjunct Professor at the National University of Singapore, Singapore and a Bremen Excellence Chair Professor at the University of Bremen, Germany. Prior to joining CUHK (Shenzhen), Professor Li has taught at Nanyang Technological University and National University of Singapore (2006-2016) in Singapore, University of Eastern Finland (2009) in Finland, and University of New South Wales (2011-2016) in Australia. He was the Principal Scientist and Research Director at the Institute for Infocomm Research (2003-2016), the Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore. Professor Li is a Fellow of the IEEE and the ISCA.

Professor Li has served as the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE-ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing (2015-2018), Associate Editor of Computer Speech and Language (2012-2021), Springer International Journal of Social Robotics (2008-2021), and a Member of IEEE Speech and Language Processing Technical Committee (2013-2015), Awards Board (2021-2023), and Publications Board (2015-2018) of IEEE Signal Processing Society. He was the President of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA, 2015-2017), the President of Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA, 2015-2016), the President of the Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing (AFNLP, 2017-2018). He was the General Chair of major scientific conferences including ACL 2012, INTERSPEECH 2014, and ICASSP 2022.