Leon C. Welch Professor (Cornell University)
Ph.D., Stanford University
IMS Fellow, INFORMS Fellow, The Erlang Award from the INFORMS Applied Probability Society, The ACM SIGMETRICS Achievement Award, Former Editor-in-Chief of Mathematics of Operations Research
Research Field: Applied Probability, Fluid Models, Diffusion Models, Stochastic Processes, and Reinforcement Learning, Dynamic Resource Allocations in Stochastic Processing Networks and Their Applications to Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Lines, Communications Network
Email: jimdai@cuhk.edu.cn
Office: Room 606, Daoyuan Building
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., National University of Singapore
Dean's Graduate Research Excellence Award (NUS, School of Computing), Research Achievement Award × 2 (NUS, School of Computing), Senior Program Committee member for IJCAI 2021, Former Postdoctoral Associate at MIT
Research Field: Machine Learning, Multi-Armed Bandits, Bayesian Optimization, Data-Efficient LLMs, Prompt Optimization for LLMs
Email: daizhongxiang@cuhk.edu.cn
Office: Room 319a, Daoyuan Building
Presidential Chair Professor
​​​​​Ph.D., Columbia University
Top 1000 Scientists in Computer Science and Electronics, Top 400 World Highly Cited Researchers in Computer Science, NASA Group Achievement Award, Best Paper Award of ICDM/ ICMLA/ECML/ISUG, Author of Science Magazine cover story, Former Full Professor wit
Research Field: Machine Learning, Data Mining, Bioinformatics, Information Retrieval, Web Link Analysis, High Performance Computing
Email: chrisding@cuhk.edu.cn
Office: Room 601, Daoyuan Building