Assistant Professor
Ph.D., The University of Hong Kong
Former reviewer for top journals such as TKDE and VLDBJ, One of four Best of SIGMOD 2020 (4/458), ACM SIGMOD Research Highlight Award 2021
Former reviewer for top journals such as TKDE and VLDBJ, One of four Best of SIGMOD 2020 (4/458), ACM SIGMOD Research Highlight Award 2021
Research Field: Large-scale Data Management and Data Mining
Personal Website:
Office: Room 319b, Daoyuan Building
Associate Professor
Assistant Dean
Assistant Dean
Ph.D., Boston University
Research Field: Data-Driven Network Modeling and Optimization, Multi-Agent Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, Smart Transportation and Logistics Systems
Office: Room 406, Daoyuan Building
Research Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Web Chair for 12th EAI International Conference for the Development of Networks & Communities, Local Chair for 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing, 30+ paper published (4 by IEEE Trans./Journal), 700+ academic citations from Google
Web Chair for 12th EAI International Conference for the Development of Networks & Communities, Local Chair for 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing, 30+ paper published (4 by IEEE Trans./Journal), 700+ academic citations from Google
Research Field: Data-driven communications, Edge computing, and Internet of Things
Personal Website:
Office: Room 520, Daoyuan Building
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Technical University of Munich
Funded by International Young Scientists project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Former Postdoct at Peking University
Funded by International Young Scientists project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, Former Postdoct at Peking University
Research Field: Nonsmooth Optimization, Large-Scale and Stochastic Optimization, Second Order Methods and Theory
Office: Room 417c, Daoyuan Building