Assistant Professor (Teaching)
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Editorial board member of Computers in Industry, Recipient of the Outstanding Contribution Award on the 40th Anniversary of the Publishing House of the Electronics Industry, Best Paper Prizes of IFAC 2013 and INCOM 2012
Research Field: Financial Engineering, Quantitative Finance, Empirical Asset Pricing, Operations Management
Personal Website:
Office: Room 517, Daoyuan Building
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Research Field: Predictive Intelligence for Infectious Disease and Pandemic Prevention, EHR-based Research, Distributed Analysis, Meta-analysis, High-dimensional Statistical Inference, Self-normalized Limit Theory, Asymptotic Theory in probability and statistics
Office: Room 417d, Daoyuan Building
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Reviewer for Complexity, The Canadian Journal of Statistics
Research Field: Bayesian Statistics, Statistical Genomics, Statistical Computing and Big Data Analysis
Office: Room 420d, Daoyuan Building
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Shenzhen Artificial Intelligence Award, Chunshen Pyramid Outstanding Talent、Founder of Point Spread Technology, Youth Committee of CAAI, Committee of 3DV, Committee of Intelligent Unmanned System Modeling and Simulation, GAMES Committee, FOE Youth Editor
Research Field: End-to-end Computational photography, Underwater Imaging, Depth/Transient imaging, Gated Imaging,Meta/Diffractive Optics
Office: Room 507a, Daoyuan Building
Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of Minnesota
Research Field: Deep Learning Theory, Generative Models, Large-scale Optimization, Learning to Optimize, Graph Neural Nets, AI for Communication, Information Theory, Wireless Communications
Personal Website:
Office: Room 412, Daoyuan Building