
Education Background

Ph.D. Kyoto University

Research Field
Artificial Intelligence, Spoken Language Processing
Room 704, Teaching Complex C

Dr. Satoshi Nakamura was a Professor at Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Honorar professor of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany. He is IEEE Fellow, ISCA Fellow, lnformation Processing Society of Japan Fellow, and Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International (ATR) Fellow, IEEE Inside Signal Processing member ( He received his B.S. from Kyoto Institute of Technology in 1981 and Ph.D. by the dissertation from Kyoto University in 1992. He was an Associate Professor in the Graduate School of Information Science at NAIST from 1994-2000. He was Department head and Director of ATR Spoken Language Communication Research Laboratories in 2000-2004, and 2005-2008, respectively, and Vice president of ATR in 2007-2008. He was Director General of Keihanna Research Laboratories and the Executive Director of Knowledge Creating Communication Research Center, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan 2009-2010. He moved to Nara Institute of Science and Technology as a full professor in 2011. He established Data Science Center at NAIST and serve as a director from 2017 to 2021. He is currently a full professor in the Information Science Division, Graduate School of Science and Technology of NAIST. He also served as a team leader of the Tourism Information Analytics Team at RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project, Japan from 2017-2021. His research interests include modeling and systems of spoken language processing, speech processing, spoken language translation, spoken dialog systems, natural language processing, and data science. He is one of the world leaders of speech-to-speech translation research and has been serving for various speech-to-speech translation research projects including C-Star, A-Star and International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation IWSLT. He is currently chairperson of International Speech Communication Association Special Interest Group: Spoken Language Translation. He also contributed to the standardization of the network-based speech translation at International Telecommunication Union. He was a committee member of IEEE SLTC 2016-2018. He was an Elected Board Member of International Speech Communication Association, ISCA from 2012-2019. He received Antonio Zampolli Prize in 2012.

Academic Publications

1. Tagged End-to-End Simultaneous Speech Translation Training using Simultaneous Interpretation Data. SN Yuka Ko, Ryo Fukuda, Yuta Nishikawa, Yasumasa Kano, Katsuhito Sudoh. International Conference on Spoken Language Translation, 2023

2. NAIST Simultaneous Speech Translation System for IWSLT 2023. SN Ryo Fukuda, Yuta Nishikawa, Yasumasa Kano, Yuka Ko, Tomoya Yanagita ... International Conference on Spoken Language Translation

3. Automatic evaluation-feedback system for automated social skills training. SN Takeshi Saga, Hiroki Tanaka, Yasuhiro Matsuda, Tsubasa Morimoto ... Scientific Reports 13, 6856, 2023

4. Listening while speaking: Speech chain by deep learning. A Tjandra, S Sakti, S Nakamura. 2017 IEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop (ASRU …

5. The ATR multilingual speech-to-speech translation system. S Nakamura, K Markov, H Nakaiwa, G Kikui, H Kawai, T Jitsuhiro, ... IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 14 (2), 365-376, 2006

6. Acoustical Sound Database in Real Environments for Sound Scene Understanding and Hands-Free Speech Recognition. S Nakamura, K Hiyane, F Asano, T Nishiura, T Yamada. LREC, 965-968, 2000

7. Lip movement synthesis from speech based on Hidden Markov Models. E Yamamoto, S Nakamura, K Shikano. Speech Communication 26 (1-2), 105-115, 1998

8. Voice conversion through vector quantization. M Abe, S Nakamura, K Shikano, H Kuwabara. Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan (E) 11 (2), 71-76, 1990