
Education Background

Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Toronto, Canada (1984-1988)

M.A.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada (1983-1984)

Diploma of Electrical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece (1977-1982)

Research Field
Security and Privacy, Distributed Systems & Blockchains, Internet Architecture & Protocols, Internet-of-Things, Smart Grids and Cities, Supply Chains Transparency & Traceability, Digital Identity, Performance Analysis of Computer & Communications Systems
Personal Website
Room 510b, Daoyuan Building

Prof. Polyzos received his Diploma in Electrical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece and his M.A.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Toronto, Canada. He then joined the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), where he was Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, co-director of the Computer Systems Laboratory, member of the Steering Committee of the UCSD Center for Wireless Communications, and Senior Fellow of the San Diego Supercomputer Center. He then moved to the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) as Professor of Computer Science, where he founded and directed the Mobile Multimedia Laboratory and was Director of the Graduate Program in Computer Science.

Prof. Polyzos has advised or co-advised 16 Ph.D. students and supervised many graduate and undergraduate theses and projects. He has published more than 300 refereed papers and there are more than 12000 citations to his publications (H-index 48). His current research interests include Security and Privacy, Distributed Systems and Blockchains, Internet Architecture and Protocols, Internet-of-Things, Smart Grids, Smart Cities, Supply Chains Transparency and Traceability, Digital Identity, Performance Analysis of Computer and Communications Systems

Dr. Polyzos has been Principal Investigator or has participated in many research projects, with public and/or industrial funding, including by the US National Science Foundation, Digital Equipment Corporation, National Semiconductor Corporation, Hitachi, Microsoft Research, the European Commission, the European Space Agency, and the Greek government. Under his leadership the AUEB/MMlab has participated in a series of Research projects funded by the European Commission (FP7 PSIRP, FP7 PURSUIT and H2020 POINT) that developed Publish-Subscribe Internetworking, an Information-Centric Networking (ICN) architecture. FP7 project PURSUIT received the Future Internet Award in 2013. He also led MMlab’s participation in H2020 projects SOFIE (Secure Open Federation for Internet Everywhere), which developed technologies for enabling the open interoperation of IoT “silos” and 4th Generation business platforms and InterConnect (Interoperable Solutions Connecting Smart Homes, Buildings and Grids), which contributed to the democratization of efficient energy management, through a flexible and interoperable ecosystem where demand side flexibility can be soundly integrated with effective benefits to end-users.

Dr. Polyzos has served on the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, and has served as guest editor for: IEEE Personal Communications, Mobile Networks and Applications, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, and Computer Networks and on the Program Committees of many conferences and workshops. He has also chaired the Steering Committee of the ACM SIGCOMM conference on Information-Centric Networking and is now on the Steering Committee of the Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (IFIP TC6 WG 6.8).

Academic Publications

Selected Journal Articles

  1. Ι. Pittaras, Ν. Fotiou, C. Karapapas, V.A. Siris, G.C. Polyzos, “Secure smart contract-based Digital Twins for the Internet of Things,” Blockchain: Research and Applications, Elsevier, November 2023.
  2. C.D. Nassar Kyriakidou, A.M. Papathanasiou, G.C. Polyzos, “Decentralized Identity with applications to Security and Privacy for the Internet of Things,” Computer Networks and Communications, vol. 1, no. 2, August 2023.
  3. N. Fotiou, Y. Thomas, V.A. Siris, G. Xylomenos, G.C. Polyzos, “Self-verifiable Content using Decentralized Identifiers,” Computer Networks, Elsevier, vol. 230, July 2023.
  4. S. Chadoulos, I. Koutsopoulos, G.C. Polyzos, “Deep4Ener: Energy demand forecasting for unseen consumers with scarce data using a single Deep Learning model,” Energy Informatics Review, vol. 3, no. 4, ACM, March 2023.
  5. Ν. Fotiou, Ι. Pittaras, V.A. Siris, G.C. Polyzos, P. Anton, “A privacy-preserving statistics marketplace using local differential privacy and blockchain: An application to smart-grid measurements sharing,” Blockchain: Research and Applications, vol. 2, no. 1, April 2021.
  6. Y. Thomas, M. Karaliopoulos, G. Xylomenos, G.C. Polyzos, “Low Latency Friendliness for Multipath TCP,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 248-261, February 2020.
  7. V.A. Siris, P. Nikander, S. Voulgaris, N. Fotiou, D. Lagutin, G.C. Polyzos, “Interledger Approaches,” IEEE Access, vol. 7, July 2019.
  8. G. Xylomenos, C.N. Ververidis, V.A. Siris, N. Fotiou, C. Tsilopoulos, X. Vasilakos, K.V. Katsaros, G.C. Polyzos, “A Survey of Information-Centric Networking Research,” IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 16, no. 2, 2014.
  9. E.C. Efstathiou, P.A. Frangoudis, G.C. Polyzos, “Controlled Wi-Fi Sharing in Cities: a Decentralized Approach Relying on Indirect Reciprocity,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 9, no. 5, August 2010.

Selected Recent Conference Publications

  1. S. Chadoulos, O. Diamantopoulos, I. Koutsopoulos, G.C. Polyzos, N. Ipiotis, “EMS-env: A Reinforcement Learning Framework for Residential Energy Efficiency Recommendations,” Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm), Oslo, Norway, September 2024 (to appear).
  2. A.M. Papathanasiou, C.D. Nassar Kyriakidou, I. Pittaras, G.C. Polyzos, “Smart Contract-Based Decentralized Mining Pools for Proof-of-Work Blockchains,” Proc. IEEE Blockchain, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2024.
  3. A.M. Papathanasiou, G.C. Polyzos, “Privacy-Preserving Revocation of Verifiable Credentials with Verifiable Random Functions,” Proc. 38th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, January 2024. (Best paper award.)
  4. C. Karapapas, G.C. Polyzos, C. Patsakis, “What’s inside a node? Malicious IPFS nodes under the magnifying glass,” Proc. 38th International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection (IFIP SEC), Poznan, Poland, June 2023.
  5. N. Fotiou, V.A. Siris, G.C. Polyzos, Y. Kortesniemi, D. Lagutin, “Capabilities-based access control for IoT devices using Verifiable Credentials,” Proc. IEEE Workshop on the Internet of Safe Things, in conjunction with the 43rd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, San Francisco, CA, USA, May 2022. (Best paper award.)
  6. V. Kalos, G.C. Polyzos, “Requirements and Secure Serialization for Selective Disclosure Verifiable Credentials,” Proc. 37th International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection (IFIP SEC), Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2022.
  7. C. Karapapas, I. Pittaras, N. Fotiou, G.C. Polyzos, “Ransomware as a Service using Smart Contracts and IPFS,” Proc. IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC), May 2020.
  8. N. Fotiou, V.A. Siris, G.C. Polyzos, “Interacting with the Internet of Things using Smart Contracts and Blockchain Technologies,” Proc. 7th International Symposium on Security and Privacy on Internet of Things (SPIoT), in conjunction with the 11th International Conference on Security, Privacy and Anonymity in Computation, Communication and Storage (SpaCCS), Melbourne, Australia, December 2018. (Best paper award.)
  9. N. Fotiou and G.C. Polyzos, “Securing Content Sharing over ICN,” Proc. 3rd ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ICN'16), Kyoto, Japan, pp. 176-185, September 2016. 

Full CV with a complete list of publications can be found at https://pages.aueb.gr/users/polyzos/CV-EN.pdf