ZHANG, Hailun

Assistant Professor

Education Background

Ph.D. Industrial Engneering and Decision Analytics, HKUST, 2018

M.Sc. Mathematics, Peking University, 2013

B.Sc. Mathematics, Peking University, 2010

Research Field
Data-Driven Queuing Networks, Online Algorithm Design, Supply Chain Management and Applications
Personal Website
Room 502b, Daoyuan Building

Prof. Hailun Zhang is an Assistant Professor at the School of Data Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. Before that, he was a Postdoc fellow in Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics at HKUST, where he obtained a Ph.D. degree in July 2018. His research interests lie in data-driven queuing networks, online algorithm design and applications. Before HKUST, he received his bachelor and master's degree in Mathematics department from Peking University. 

Academic Publications


1. Xu, Z., H. Zhang*, J. Zhang and R. Zhang. “Online Demand Fulfillment under Limited Flexibility,” Mgt. Sci., 66(10), 4667-4685, 2020/10/01 

2. Long Z., N. Shimkin, H. Zhang* and J. Zhang. “Dynamic Scheduling for Multiclass Many-server Queues with Abandonment: the Generalized c =h Rule,” Oper.Res.,68(4),1218-1230. 2020/07/01 

3. Zhang, H., J. Zhang and R. Zhang. “Simple Policies with Provable Bounds for Managing Perishable Inventory”. Production and Operations Management, 29(11), 2637-2650. 2020/07/13

4. Wang G., H. Zhang* and J. Zhang. “On-demand Matching in a Spatial Model with Abandonment and Cancellation,” Oper. Res.. 2022/11/18. 

5. Long Z., H. Zhang*, G. Zhang, J. Zhang. "The Generalized c/μ Rule for Queues with Heterogeneous Server Pools," accepted, Oper. Res..

6. Li, L., Li, M., Zhang, H., and Zhang, L. (2023). Price optimization under the extended nested logit model. Operations Research Letters, 51(1), 54-59. 2023/01/01