【数据科学名家讲坛】Security, Privacy, and Interoperability for IoT Data Sharing and Actuation (George C. Polyzos, Professor, School of Information Sciences and Technology, Athens University of Economics and Business)
主题:Security, Privacy, and Interoperability for IoT Data Sharing and Actuation
报告人:George C. Polyzos, Professor, School of Information Sciences and Technology, Athens University of Economics and Business
主持人:Konstantinos Courcoubetis, Presidential Chair Professor, School of Data Science, CUHK-Shenzhen
日期:14 June (Wednesday), 2023
时间:11:00 AM to 12:00 PM, Beijing Time
线下地点:103 Meeting Room, Chengdao Building
As the Internet of Things (IoT) becomes omnipresent, vast amounts of data are generated, which can be used to fuel innovative applications. However, interoperability issues and security and privacy concerns prevent harvesting the full potential of the data. A typical use case is that of data generated by smart buildings, which integrate IoT devices that improve comfort and energy efficiency through sensing and automation. However, these devices and their data are usually siloed in specific applications or (manufacturer) closed Clouds, even though they can be invaluable for various other interested stakeholders providing different types of “over the top” services, e.g., energy management. Most data sharing techniques follow an “all or nothing” approach, creating significant security and privacy threats, while even privacy-preserving data subsets can enable innovative applications. We developed technologies and platforms that enable controlled, privacy-preserving sharing of data. Our approach innovates in two main directions: Firstly, it provides a framework for allowing discovery and selective disclosure of IoT data without violating their integrity. Secondly, it provides user-friendly, intuitive mechanisms allowing efficient, fine-grained access control over the shared data. Our solutions leverage recent advances in the areas of Self-Sovereign Identities, Decentralized Identifiers, Verifiable Credentials, and Zero-Knowledge Proofs, and integrate them in platforms that combine the industry-standard authentication and authorization framework OAuth 2.0 and the Web of Things specifications.
Professor George C. Polyzos is leading the Mobile Multimedia Laboratory (MMlab) at the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), where he is Professor of Computer Science. Previously, he was Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California, San Diego (1988-2000), where he was co-director of the Computer Systems Laboratory, member of the Steering Committee of the Center for Wireless Communications, and Senior Fellow of the San Diego Supercomputer Center. He received his Diploma in Electrical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens and his MASc in Electrical Engineering and PhD in Computer Science from the University of Toronto, Canada. Under his leadership the MMlab participated in a series of research projects funded by the European Commission, the European Space Agency, and Greece that co-developed Publish-Subscribe Internet, an Information-Centric Networking architecture, with project PURSUIT receiving the Future Internet Award in 2013. He was also the founding chair of the Steering Committee of the ACM SIGCOMM conference on Information-Centric Networking. His current research interests focus on energy informatics, the IoT, and security and privacy. He led MMlab’s participation in H2020 project SOFIE investigating Distributed Ledger and Interledger Technologies, including smart contracts, for IoT systems federation, focusing on openness, security, privacy, and business incentives. He is now leading the lab’s contributions to H2020 project “InterConnect,” on smart homes and energy grid evolution, including ML modeling of energy demand, demand-response, and blockchains for energy communities. He has been reviewer and panelist for the US NSF, the EC, and other research agencies, on the editorial boards of journals, guest editor of special issues, and on program committees of many conferences. Full CV, including publications, is available at: https://mm.aueb.gr/~polyzos.