2021至今:Algorithms 编委会成员
2006至今:Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 副主编
2002至今:Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 副主编
1997至今:Journal of Scheduling 副主编
1996至2009:IIE Transactions on Scheduling and Logistics 副主编2017至今:Automatica 副主编
2017至2020:System & Control Letters 副主编
2016至2019:IEEE Control System Society Conference 编委会成员2024至今:Operations Research 副主编
2020至今:Journal of Applied Probability 编委
2020至今:Advances of Applied Probability 编委2014至今:ACM Computing Surveys 副主编
2009至今:International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing 编委
2013至2015:International Journal of Big Data Intelligence 副主编
2012至2013:Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineers 副主编2017至今:Stochastic Systems 副主编
2003至今:Probability Survey Founding 副主编
2016至2019:Journal of Applied Probability 副主编
2013至2018:Mathematics of Operations Research 主编
2012:Operations Research 随机模型领域编辑
2009至2016:Stochastic Systems 副主编
1998至2004:Management Science 副主编
1994至2007:Queueing Systems 副主编2013至2016:International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics 副主编
2019至今:Information Processing & Management 编委会成员
- George Polyzos
2017至2021:IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 编委会成员
2014至今:Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments 编委会成员 2011至2014:Management Science 副主编
2020至今:MDPI Applied Sciences 编委会成员
2020至今:MDPI Entropy 编委会成员
2009至今:IARIA International Journal On Advances in Security 顾问委员会成员
2008至2009:IARIA International Journal On Advances in Security 编委会成员
2002至今:International Journal of Quantum Information (IJQI) World Scientific 编委会成员2023至今:ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 副主编
2019至今:The Journal of Multivariate Analysis 副主编
2015至今:The ISI's Journal for the Rapid Dissemination of Statistics Research 主编
2017至2019:Journal of American Statistical Association 副主编
2016至2021:Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 编委会2017至今:Journal of Big Data and Cognitive Computing 副主编
2013至今:Journal of Big Data Intelligence 编委会
2011至今:International Journal of Cloud Computing, Inter - science 编委会
2005至今:International Journal of High - Performance Computing and Networking 编委会
2015至今:IEEE Transactions on Service Computing 副主编
2013至今:IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 副主编
2005至2009:IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 副主编
1984至2011:Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 主编 & 创刊人2011年至2021年:Statistics and Computing 副主编
2012年至2021年:Stat 副主编
2017年至今:Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 副主编
2017年至今:Stochastic Analysis and Applications 副主编
2019年至今: Annals of Applied Probability 副主编
2019至2021年:Foundations of Data Science 联合主编
2020年至今:SIAM/ASA J. Uncert. Quant. 副主编
2022年至今:Statistics and Computing 主编
2022年至今:Foundations of Data Science 副主编2021至今:Journal Communications in Computational Physics (CiCP) 副主编
2021至今:Journal Electronic Research Archive (ERA) (Special Issue, Jointly with Thomas Kruse) 副主编
2021至今:Journal of Machine Learning (JML) 副主编
2020至今:SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC) 副主编
2020至今:SIAM / ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification (JUQ) 副主编
2020至今:Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (JMAA) 副主编
2019至今:The Annals of Applied Probability 副主编
2019至今:Journal Partial Differential Equations and Applications 副主编
2018至今:Journal Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B (DCDS-B) 副主编
2016至今:Journal of Complexity (JoC) 副主编
2016至今:SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis (SINUM) 副主编
2016 至今:Journal Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP) 副主编
2015至今:Journal Communications in Mathematical Sciences (CMS) 副主编2020年至今:IEEE Trans. on Image Processing 副主编
2022年至今:Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR) 责任编辑