
Prof. Philip Renyu Zhang joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School as a visiting scholar in the Department of Decisions, Operations and Technology in September 2021 and has been an Associate Professor since September 2022. Prior to joining CUHK Business School, he was an Assistant Professor of Operations Management at New York University (NYU) Shanghai and an NYU Global Network Assistant Professor since August 2016. Prof. Zhang holds a PhD degree in Business Administration (Operations Management) at Olin Business School, Washington University in St. Louis, and a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from Peking University.

Prof. Zhang’s research interests are developing data science methodologies (data-driven optimisation, causal inference, and machine learning) to evaluate and optimise the operations strategies in the contexts of online platforms and marketplaces, sharing economy, and social networks, especially their recommendation, advertising, pricing, and matching policies. His research works have appeared in Management ScienceOperations Research, and Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, and have been recognised by various research awards of the INFORMS and POMS communities. His research projects have been funded by NSFC, SMEC, STCSM, HK RGC, and Tencent.