







陈博士的研究致力于发展优化的理论及计算工具(特别是针对带离散结构和随机性的优化问题)。这些研究在物流供应链,数据科学与人工智能等方向上有着广泛应用。其研究成果曾在Operations Research, Mathematical Programming等高水平期刊,以及IPCO,ICML等高水平会议上发表。


Journal papers

1. R. Chen, O. Günlük and A. Lodi, "Recovering Dantzig-Wolfe bounds by cutting planes", Operations Research (Articles in Advance), 2024+

2. R. Chen, S. Dash and O. Günlük, "Convexifying multilinear sets with cardinality constraints: structural properties, nested case and extensions", Discrete Optimization 50 100804, 2023

3. R. Chen and J. Luedtke, "Sparse multi-term disjunctive cuts for the epigraph of a function of binary variables", Mathematical Programming (Online First), 2023+

4. R. Chen, S. Dash and O. Günlük, "Multilinear sets with two monomials and cardinality constraints" Discrete Applied Mathematics 324 67-79, 2023

5. R. Chen and J. Luedtke, "On generating Lagrangian cuts for two-stage stochastic integer programs" INFORMS Journal on Computing 34(4) 2332-2349, 2022

6. R. Chen and J. Luedtke, "On sample average approximation for two-stage stochastic programs without relatively complete recourse", Mathematical Programming 196 719-754, 2022


Referred conference proceedings

1. B. van Rossum, R. Chen and A. Lodi, "A new branching rule for range minimization problems", International Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (forthcoming), 2024

2. B. van Rossum, R. Chen and A. Lodi, "Optimizing fairness over time with homogeneous workers", Symposium on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems, OASIcs 115 17:1-17:6, 2023

3. R. Chen and J. Luedtke, "Sparse multi-term disjunctive cuts for the epigraph of a function of binary variables", International Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, LNCS 13265 98-111, 2022

4. R. Chen, S. Dash and T. Gao, "Integer programming for causal structure learning in the presence of latent variables", International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 139 1550-1560, 2021

5. R. Chen, S. Dash and O. Günlük, "Cardinality constrained multilinear sets", International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization, LNCS 12176 54-65, 2020