






代博士的研究兴趣涵盖了机器学习的理论和应用。在理论方面,他专注于多臂老虎机和贝叶斯优化的理论研究。在应用方面,他致力于利用多臂老虎机和贝叶斯优化来(1)解决实际应用中的黑盒优化问题(例如自动机器学习和AI4Science),以及(2)实现数据中心的人工智能,如数据高效的大语言模型提示优化、数据高效的基于人类反馈的强化学习(RLHF)等。代博士已在顶级人工智能会议和期刊上发表了25篇以上的论文,其中包括在ICML、NeurIPS和ICLR(人工智能三大会议)上发表的20多篇论文。他常年担任顶级人工智能会议和期刊的程序委员会成员和审稿人,如ICML、NeurIPS、ICLR、AAAI、TPAMI等。此外,他还担任了IJCAI 2021的高级程序委员会成员。


Selected Publications (# corresponding author, * equal contribution):

1. X. Lin, Z. Dai#, A. Verma, S. K. Ng, P. Jaillet and B. K. H. Low, “Prompt optimization with human feedback,” arXiv preprint 2024.

2. X. Lin*, Z. Wu*, Z. Dai#, W. Hu, Y. Shu, S. K. Ng, P. Jaillet and B. K. H. Low, “Use Your INSTINCT: INSTruction optimization for LLMs usIng Neural bandits Coupled with Transformers,” in ICML 2024.

3. Z. Dai*, G. K. R. Lau*, A. Verma, Y. Shu, B. K. H. Low and P. Jaillet, “Quantum Bayesian optimization,” In NeurIPS 2023.

4. Z. Dai, Q. P. Nguyen, S. S. Tay, D. Urano, R. Leong, B. K. H. Low and P. Jaillet, “Batch Bayesian optimization for replicable experimental design,” In NeurIPS 2023.

5. A. Hemachandra, Z. Dai#, J. Singh, S. K. Ng and B. K. H. Low, “Training-free neural active learning with initialization-robustness guarantees,” in ICML 2023.

6. Z. Dai, Y. Shu, A. Verma, F. X. Fan, B. K. H. Low and P. Jaillet, “Federated neural bandits,” In ICLR 2023.

7. Y. Shu*, Z. Dai*, W. Sng, A. Verma, P. Jaillet and B. K. H. Low, “Zeroth-order optimization with trajectory-informed derivative estimation,” In ICLR 2023.

8. Z. Dai, Y. Shu, B. K. H. Low and P. Jaillet, “Sample-then-optimize batch neural Thompson sampling,” In NeurIPS 2022.

9. A. Verma*, Z. Dai* and B. K. H. Low, “Bayesian optimization under stochastic delayed feedback,” In ICML 2022.

10. Z. Dai, B. K. H. Low and P. Jaillet, “Differentially private federated Bayesian optimization with distributed exploration,” In NeurIPS 2021.

11. Z. Dai, B. K. H. Low and P. Jaillet, “Federated Bayesian optimization via Thompson sampling,” In NeurIPS 2020.

12. Z. Dai, Y. Chen, B. K. H. Low, P. Jaillet and T.-H. Ho, “R2-B2: Recursive Reasoning-Based Bayesian optimization for no-regret learning in games,” In ICML 2020.

13. Z. Dai, H. Yu, B. K. H. Low and P. Jaillet, “Bayesian optimization meets Bayesian optimal stopping,” In ICML 2019.


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