蔡教授的研究主要集中在工业与系统工程、运筹学、供应链与物流管理等领域。他于国际学术刊物、专著、及会议发表论文300多篇,其中包括主流学术刊物(如Management Science、Operations Research、SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization、Naval Research Logistics、Production and Operations Management、IIE Transactions、IEEE Transactions、 Transportation Science、Transportation Research等)论文100多篇。他曾担任多个学术会议主席、国际顾问委员会委员、程序委员会委员和组织委员会委员,及多个学术刊物主编、副主编、编委。他于2021年获IEOM学会物流与供应链杰出教授奖。
他是国家杰出青年科学基金(海外类)获得者,香港工程师学会Fellow, 亚太人工智能学会(AAIA) Fellow, 国际系统与控制科学院院士。
1. M.H. Lai, X.Q. Cai*, N.G. Hall, Cost allocation for less-than-truckload collaboration via shipper consortium. Transportation Science. Published online on 04 Nov 2021.
2. P.Y. Yan, X.Q. Cai, F. Chu, D.B. Ni, and H. He, An incentive mechanism for private parking-sharing programs in incomplete information setting. Service Science. Forthcoming, 2022.
3. X. Li, X.Q. Cai, and J. Chen, Quality and private label encroachment strategy. Production and Operations Management. 31, No. 1, pp. 374–390, January 2022.
4. W.Q. Bao, X.Q. Cai*, and X.Y. Wu, Multi-armed bandits with constrained arm switches. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization. 59, No. 6, pp. 4666–4688, December 2021.
5. M.H. Lai, X.Q. Cai, and Q. Hu, Market design for commute-driven private parking lot sharing. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 124, 102915, March 2021.
6. X.L. Xu, X.Q. Cai, and L.M. Zhang, Optimal purchasing policy for fresh products from multiple sources with considerations of random delivery times, risk and information. Decision Sciences. 51, Issue 6, pp. 1377-1410, December 2020.
7. Y.L. Zeng, L.M. Zhang, X.Q. Cai, and J. Li, Cost sharing for capacity transfer in cooperating queueing systems, Production and Operations Management. 27, Issue 4, pp. 644-662, April 2018.
8. M.H. Lai, X.Q. Cai, and X. Li, Mechanism design for collaborative production-distribution planning with shipment consolidation. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 106,pp. 137-159, Oct 2017.
9. M.H. Lai, X.Q. Cai, and Q. Hu, An iterative auction for carrier collaboration in truckload pickup and delivery. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 107,pp. 60-80, Nov 2017.
10. X. Li, Y.J. Li, X.Q. Cai, and J. Shan, Service channel choice for supply chain: who is better off by undertaking the service?, Production and Operations Management, 25, pp. 516–534, Mar 2016.
11. X.Q. Cai, L.M. Wen, X.Y. Wu, and X. Zhou, Credibility estimation of distribution functions with applications to experience rating in general insurance. North American Actuarial Journal. 19, pp.311-335. Oct 2015.
12. X.Q. Cai and X. Zhou, Optimal policies for perishable products when transportation to export market is disrupted, Production and Operations Management, 23, pp. 907–923, May 2014.
13. X. Cai, and G.L. Vairaktarakis, “Coordination of outsourced operations at a third-party facility subject to booking, overtime, and tardiness costs”, Operations Research, 60, pp. 1436-1450, Dec 2012.
14. X. Cai, J. Chen, Y.B. Xiao, and X.L. Xu, “Optimization and Coordination of Fresh Product Supply Chains with Freshness-Keeping Effort”, Production and Operations Management, 19, pp. 261-278, 2010.
15. X. Cai, X.Y. Wu, and X. Zhou, “Stochastic scheduling subject to preemptive-repeat breakdowns with incomplete information”, Operations Research, 57, pp. 1236-1249, 2009.
16. X. Cai, X.Q. Sun, and X. Zhou, “Stochastic Scheduling Subject to Machine Breakdowns: The Preemptive-Repeat Model with Discounted Reward and Other Criteria”, Naval Research Logistics, 51, pp. 800-817, 2004.
17. X. Cai, K.L. Teo, X.Q. Yang, and X.Y. Zhou, “Portfolio Optimization under a Minimax Rule”, Management Science, 46, pp. 957-972, 2000.
18. X. Cai, C.-Y. Lee, and T.L. Wong, “Multi-Processor Task Scheduling to Minimize the Maximum Tardiness and the Total Completion Time”. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 16, pp. 824-830, 2000.
19. X. Cai and S. Zhou, “Stochastic Scheduling on Parallel Machines Subject to Random Breakdowns to Minimize Expected Costs for Earliness and Tardy Jobs”, Operations Research, 47, pp. 422-437, 1999.
20. X.Q. Cai, T. Kloks and C.K. Wong, Time-varying shortest path problems with constraints. Networks. 29, pp. 141-149. 1997.