[1] Gao, Pin, Yuhang Ma, Ningyuan Chen, Guillermo Gallego, Anran Li, Paat Rusmevichientong and Huseyin Topaloglu, “Assortment Optimization and Pricing under the Multinomial Logit Model with Impatient Customers”, Operations Research. Accepted.
[2] Gao, Pin, Xiaoshuai Fan, Sunny Huang and Ying-Ju Chen, “Resource Allocation Among Competing Innovators”, Management Science. Accepted.
[3] Chen, Ningyuan, Pin Gao and Steven Kou, “Does the Prohibition of Trade-Through Hurt Liquidity Demanders?”, under Major revision at Operations Research.
[4] Chen, Ningyuan, Guillermo Gallego, Pin Gao and Steven Kou, “Dealership or Marketplace: A Dynamic Comparison”, R&R at Management Science.
[5] Chen, Ying-Ju, Guillermo Gallego, Pin Gao and Yang Li, “A Mechanism Design Perspective of Live-streaming Commerce: The Role of Information Provision”, to be soon submitted to Management Science.
[6] Chen, Kanglin, Ying-Ju Chen, Guillermo Gallego, Pin Gao and Haoyu Liu, “Multi-armed Exponential Bandits”, to be soon submitted to Operations Research.
[7] Chen, Ningyuan, Pin Gao and Yang Li, “Personalized Product Recommendation in Presence of Privacy Constraint”, in preparation for submission.
[8] Gao, Pin, Yingping He and Xiongjun Liu, “Symmetry Protected Non-Abelian Braiding of Majorana Kramers’ Pairs”, Phys. Rev. B 94, 224509 (2016).