杨浩翔教授于 2014 年获得佐治亚理工学院的学士学位;后在美国西北大学获得工业工程和管理科学博士学位。目前的研究领域为:不确定性下的优化、大规模优化和分解方法、混合整数规划、非线性优化,应用于能源系统、救灾和人道主义援助、公共卫生、航空运输、供应链与体育数据分析等方面。
1. P. J. Rathouz, V. Valencia, P. Chang, D. P. Morton, H. Yang, Ö. Sürer, S. J. Fox, E. C. Matsui, A. B. Haynes, L. A. Meyers. "Survival analysis methods for analysis of hospitalization data: Application to COVID-19 patient hospitalization experience". Submitted.
2. H. Yang, D. Morton. "Optimal Crashing of an Activity Network with Disruptions". Accepted at Mathematical Programming.
3. H. Yang, Ö. Sürer, D. Duque, D. P. Morton, B. Singh, S. J. Fox, R. Pasco, K. Pierce, P. Rathouz, Z. Du, M. Pignone, M. E. Escott, S. I. Adler, S. C. Johnston, L. A. Meyers. "Design of COVID-19 Staged Alert Systems to Ensure Healthcare Capacity with Minimal Closures". Accepted at Nature Communications.
4. H. Yang, D. Duque, D. Morton, "Optimizing Diesel Fuel Supply Chain Operations for Hurricane Relief". Under revision at IISE Transactions.
5. H. Yang, H. Nagarajan, "Optimal Power Flow in Distribution Networks under N-1 Disruptions: A Multi-stage Stochastic Programming Approach". Accepted at INFORMS Journal on Computing.
6. H. Yang, C. Bandi, K. Dvijotham, D. Morton. (2021) "Robust Optimization for Electricity Generation". INFORMS Journal on Computing, 33:1, 336-351
7. H. Yang, D. Morton, Y. Hu. (2020) "Analyzing Client Behavior in a Syringe Exchange Program". Analyzing client behavior in a syringe exchange program. IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 10:2, 142-157.
8. P. Verhaeghen, S. Geigerman, H. Yang, A. C. Montoya, D. Rahnev. (2019) "Resolving age-related differences in working memory: Equating perception and attention makes older adults remember as well as younger adults". Experimental aging research, 45:2, 120-134.
9. J. Yu, H. Baroud, H. Yang. "Two-stage Stochastic Programming Approach for the Integrated Preparedness and Response of Interdependent Infrastructure Networks Under Uncertainty". Working Paper.
10. H. Yang. "Multi-stage Distributionally Robust Optimization under Stochastic Disruptions". Working Paper.